Convention Crunch!

No, that’s not a new breakfast cereal, but what I find myself in right now! Yesterday was the first of my five scheduled conventions for this spring, with the next three weekends booked, all away-from-home conventions. Then a bit of a breather before a one-day local event. Today I made a long list of all the stuff I have to get done in the brief times I’m at home in between cons — I got exhausted just writing it!

What this means for me (and for you, dear readers) is that Mermaid Music is about to slow down for a bit. In fact, if I had any sense at all, I’d just put it on hiatus until the conventions are over and be done with it, but I do have a couple of pages in process, so I’ll just say they will go up when they are finished.

In the meantime, here’s some news — my long-term children’s book project is finally being published, by Heritage House Publishing Company right here in Victoria BC. This book and its almost-finished sequel have been years in the making, and I feel it’s some of the finest work I’ve ever done. The paintings and drawings had to be scientifically accurate but also tell a story and be appealing to look at — a challenging order, but very satisfying to fulfill. The book is called Explore the Wild Coast with Sam and Crystal and is available for pre-order right now. Here’s the cover:


And if you’re missing your webcomic fix while I’m running around Canada promoting my comics, and if you like zany cat stories, please head on over to my other webcomic, The Quadra Cats! I’ve already got two books done and am posting pages twice a week (the webcomic is currently nearing the end of the first book), so they won’t be interrupted by convention season. The Quadra Cats is silly and fun, and I hope you enjoy it. Here’s the cover for the first book:

Takeout  Planet Cover rgb.jpg

So I will be seeing you again soon, one place or another — you can keep track of my trajectory on my main art blog, Karen Gillmore Art. If you are at any of the conventions (see the sidebar for quick links), please stop by and say hi. It means so much to me to meet or hear from readers. Let me know if you like the Quadra Cats if you check that out, too!

Comic Arts Festival Time!

For those of you who have been following my other blog, Karen Gillmore Art, you’ll know that I’ve been deeply immersed in preparations for the Camosun Comic Arts Festival, mainly as the coordinator of the Indiegogo fundraiser. It’s now less than a week away, and I’m gearing up to have a table there to display my work. If you are in the Victoria, BC area, do come this Saturday, April 11th, for the afternoon — we’re going to have lots of comics to see, creators to talk to, and things to do. I’ll have comics and art prints for sale, and some originals to look at (including Mermaid Music).

There will also be a keynote panel talk the evening before, with several great local comics artists giving their take on what it’s like to be in the comics business today, and talking about their work.

Hope to see you there!

My table last year at CCAF (which was then called the Camosun College Comics Conference — we were into alliteration!). I got a luxurious amount of space last year! That's my handsome hubby, Ron, holding down the fort while I take pictures.

My table last year at CCAF (which was then called the Camosun College Comics Conference — we were into alliteration!). I got a luxurious amount of space last year! That’s my handsome hubby, Ron, holding down the fort while I take pictures.

Some of the Polymer Clay Maquettes I brought to show off at my table.

Some of the Polymer Clay Maquettes I brought to show off at my table.